Thermal Scanners

Per Governor Cuomo’s executive order, we offer proprietary thermal scanners paired with face recognition to safely & accurately identify & measure temperatures from a distance with zero personal contact.  Choose from individual scanners - measuring one person at a time - and crowd scanners - which measure dozens of people simultaneously.


The Risks and How to Avoid Them

The purpose of this page is collect resources and provide guidance on the behavior and products necessary for a successful reopening of the economy and return to work. Unfortunately the real truth is that there is much that is unknown. GPD Health aims to use the most trusted sources from qualified experts for guidance. We also use our extensive network of manufacturers and innovators from around the world to offer the most cutting edge products and technologies.

Daily Analysis and Predictions (Steve Shafer, Stanford University)

Data and Guidance from Professor of Biology, UMass Dartmouth

Rand Corporation - Research and Q&A

Restoring and Revamping Supply Chains

The Subways Seeded the Massive Coronavirus Epidemic in New York City (MIT)

Reopening Under COVID-19: What to Watch For (MIT)

Optimal Lockdown Policy(MIT) Online Model That Can be Calibrated

The Impact of City Density (MIT)


We collect some of the products in the catalog that are most useful for preparing your business for reopening:

-Thermal Scanners

-Pulse Oximeters

-IR Thermometers


-Respiratory Protection